July 27, 2024

Our Facilities

37 Classrooms

3 Conference rooms

2 Study rooms (general purpose), and 2 study rooms for Master and PhD students

32 Offices of academic members

2 Computer sites

Library of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities
Library of the Scientific Center of History
Cultural Consultants
Scientific Society of History
Scientific Association of Persian Literature
Scientific Society of Philosophy
Scientific Association of Social Sciences
Islamic History Society
Branch of the Iranian History Association
Branch of the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature
Branch of the Iranian Sociological Association
دانشگاه اصغهان
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan Postal Code: 817467344
E-mail: Info@ui.ac.ir | Admission@ui.ac.ir
Headquarters: 37932003-7 Tel: 36687396
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