March 12, 2025
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Regarding the scientific and cultural history of Isfahan and the historic importance of the city and in response to a request made by the culture-loving people of Isfahan, the Cabinet of the time agreed to establish the Faculty of Literature in the city. Dr. Mehran, the Minister of Education of the time, appointed Dr. Abbas Farughi, who was a professor at the normal school at the time, as the dean of the Faculty of Literature. However, although the facilities were not enough and the number of academic staff was insufficient, the faculty started its activities early in January 1959 with the two programs of Persian Literature and English Literature. The faculty was first located in a two-room rented house but it was in the academic year of 1960-1961 when it was moved to a place near Shahzadeh Ebrahim. The building was provided with the help of Awqaf Organization and the collaboration of the Department of Education.In the period between 1960 to 1961 programs in Philosophy, Educational Sciences, Armenian Language and Literature were added to the existing programs. In the academic year of 1963-1964 a program in Arabic Language and Literature was launched. It was in the same year when the Secretariat of the University was founded and the University’s educational and research activities continued under the management of Dr. Ghasem Motamedi. In 1996 a program in History was established under the management of Dr. Lotfollah Honarfar, the author of A Treasure of the Historical Monuments of Isfahan. And in the same year a program in Geography was added to the existing programs of the faculty. 
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