March 12, 2025

Our History

Considering the scientific and cultural records and the historical importance of the city of Isfahan, in response to the request of the people of Isfahan, the government agreed to the establishment of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities in Isfahan in October 1958. It started admitting student to B.Sc. programs in the same year. Today, the Faculty of Literature and Humanities consists of four departments of history and Iranology, philosophy, social sciences and Persian Language and Literature.
1958 Establishing the Department of Persian Language and Literature
1959 Establishing the Department of Philosophy
1966 Establishing the Department of History and Iranology
1969 Establishing the Department of Social Sciences
1968 Moving to its new building on the street of Hazar Jarib in Isfahan
1969 Inaugurating the new building of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities in an area of 17,000 square meters
1958 Establishing undergraduate levels in the department of Persian Language and literature
1959 Establishing undergraduate levels in the department of Philosophy
1966 Establishing undergraduate levels in the department of History and Iranology
1969 Establishing undergraduate levels in the department of Social Sciences
Gradually, master's degrees and doctoral degrees were also established in these four fields. For example, today, students are accepted in the Department of History in seven master's programs and four doctoral programs. In other three groups, various trends are active in master's and doctoral degrees.
دانشگاه اصغهان
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan Postal Code: 817467344
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