March 14, 2025

Department of Medical Engineering

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Nowadays, Medical Sciences have achieved considerable advancements in diagnosis and treatment of diseases, rehabilitation of patients and promotion of health in societies. Such remarkable advancements could have been far from possible without seeking help from engineering sciences. Biomedical Engineering is a discipline which provides the grounds for the cooperation of these topical sciences of the modern world i.e. Medicine and Engineering. Biomedical Engineering can be defined as the application of engineering methods and analyses in resolving medical problems. The aim of this discipline is to train experts who are relatively and sufficiently familiar with both disciplines of Medicine and Engineering and are capable of fulfilling their roles in providing and promoting health in societies.
Considering the above-mentioned facts, a broad range of job prospects are available to the graduates of Biomedical Engineering and the current trend in society guarantees the promotion of this discipline in different scientific levels of the country. There are issues in different aspects of hygiene, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation of patients and developing peripheral systems in medicine which require an engineering approach which can be dealt with and handled by Biomedical Engineering. That’s why the discipline of Biomedical Engineering with its different subdisciplines was emerged. The major subdisciplines of Biomedical Engineering studied across the world and in our country are Bioelectrics, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Sports Engineering, Bioinformatics Engineering, Rehabilitation Engineering, and Tissue Engineering. The graduates of these programs are hoped to be capable of promoting educational and research activities as well as providing the society with hygiene and medical services based on its needs and standards.
The Department of Biomedical Engineering in the University of Isfahan started its activities in 1999 and has experienced significant developments in research and educational spheres in the past years. This department is currently admitting student to the following programs:


Discipline Name


Active since


Biomedical Engineering- Bioelectrics




Biomedical Engineering- Biomechanics




Biomedical Engineering- Bioelectrics




Biomedical Engineering-Biometrial




Biomedical Engineering- Biomechanics




Biomedical Engineering- Sports Engineering



  Following is a selection of activities the graduates of Biomedical Engineering can engage in:
• Designing and manufacturing medical apparatuses and equipments
• Installing and operating medical apparatuses and providing hospitals with technical equipments
• upgrading and updating the operations of current medical apparatuses and equipments
• Maintaining hospital equipments
• Technical advice on ordering and purchasing medical apparatuses
• Assisting medical staff in the optimal use of medical apparatuses and interpretation of results
• Taking on technical and engineering responsibilities in hospitals
• Cooperating in medical research projects
• Applying Tissue Engineering techniques to improve the quality and speed of healing and regeneration of damaged tissues
• Designing and optimizing drug delivery
• Designing and manufacturing sports equipments
• Designing and manufacturing rehabilitation facilities
• Developing algorithms and softwares to fulfill the educational and research needs of health care, medicine, Serum producing, genetics, pharmacology centers
• Designing and developing software for quality improvement of medical images
دانشگاه اصغهان
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