March 14, 2025

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering
The discipline of Electrical Engineering has a very long history and has introduced a modern world to human beings. The new developments in this field of science have dramatically changed the lives of people. Some of the applications of this field are as follows:
Production, Conversion and Transportation of Energy , Designing and Controlling Electrical Machines , Power Electronic Converters , Semiconductor Devices , Analog Electronics, Optical and High Frequency Electronics , Digital Systems , Micro Electronics , Signal Processing (Photo and Video) , Data Processing , Telecommunications Networks, Automatic Control Systems , Robotics , Intelligent Systems , Designing, Operating, Monitoring and Maintenance Management of Electrical Systems.
In the post-graduate programs (Master’s and PhD) students complete their theoretical courses and conduct researches in different subdisciplines of Electrical Engineering. The courses included in the students’ curriculum and the number of unit credits dedicated to research are selected in a way that enables the graduates of the programs to both work in industrial centers and to start an academic career in higher education institutes and research centers through pursuing their studies at higher levels.



History and the Subdisciplines of the Department of Electrical Engineering
This department was established in 2001 in the Faculty of Engineering and started its educational activities by admitting 35 students to a BSc program in the subdiscipline of Electronics. The department then developed its activities by admitting students to Master’s and PhD programs in the subdiscipline of Power in 2005 and 2008.
The running programs of the department include four subdisciplines of Electronics, Power and Telecommunications at BSC level; five subdisciplines of Power(Power system), Power (Electric Machinery and Drive), Control and Telecommunication (system) at MSc level; Four subdisciplines of Electronics, Power, Control and Telecommunications at PhD level.

 Research Centers and Research Groups of the Department of Electrical Engineering
A. Research Groups related to the Energy Research Center
1. Energy Conversion Research Group
2. Planning and Studying Power Systems Research Group
B. Processing and Intelligent Systems Research Center
1 .Radar (designing and manufacturing search and tracking radars and optimizing existing radar systems -with a history of several national projects)
2 .Micro Electronics
3 .Control and Intelligent Systems
4 .Signal and Image Processing
Department’s Areas of Activities
- Image and Video Processing
- Designing and Controlling Electric Machinery
- Photovoltaic Systems
- Power Electronic Converters and Switching Power Supplies
- Control and Stability of Power Systems
- Restructuring Power Systems
- Using Chaos Theory in Systems Analysis
- Modeling and Controlling Power Electronics Systems
- Robotics
- Theory Of Telecommunication and Wireless Communication
- Statistical Signal Processing
- High Frequency Electronics
- Micro Electronics
- Digital Systems
دانشگاه اصغهان
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan Postal Code: 817467344
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