March 14, 2025

Research Laboratories

Research Laboratories in Chemical Engineering Department

The research laboratories of the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Isfahan include 8 laboratories with the total area of over 700 square meters, which are equipped with the most advanced instruments and equipment for research in various fields of chemical engineering. The facilities are available for graduate students to fulfil their master theses and doctoral dissertations, as well as postdoctoral researchers and faculty members to conduct research projects.The instruments available in these laboratories are provided for research in various fields of chemical engineering including:

  • Environmental engineering, advanced oxidation processes, reduction of pollutants in industrial wastewaters
  • Gas and liquid separation processes, membrane processes, biological separation processes

  • Polymerization engineering, polymer processing, adhesives and resins, physical chemistry of polymers
  • Nanotechnology in various fields of chemical engineering such as drug deliver systems and nanocomposites
  • Design of chemical processes and catalytic reactions
  • Renewable energy engineering
  • Oil and gas engineering

It should be noted that many experimental setups have been designed and manufactured by faculty members and researchers active in Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Isfahan.















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